
Maintain Your Freezer and Avoid Hefty Repair Bills

Most homeowners have faced the frustration of needing to call out a repair service to deal with a faulty freezer. Many of us take our freezer for granted, but when it starts to have problems, it can lead to hefty repair bills. Fortunately, you can minimize this risk with some basic maintenance. These simple maintenance activities can reduce the need to call in a repairman and maximize your freezer efficiency.

Regularly Defrost

It is very easy to just forget about your freezer when it's working, but allowing it to become iced over creates additional strain on the appliance that can lead to repair issues and a breakdown. Most modern models have a setting for self-defrosting. This allows the freezer to routinely thaw any frost. If you have a manually defrosting freezer, you will need to shut off the appliance to allow any frost to melt normally. If the frost is very dense, you may need to scrape it off the inside of the appliance so it will melt more quickly. Take care that you are not using a sharp appliance to scrape as you may cause damage.

Clean Your Condenser Coils

When dirt accumulates on your coils, your condenser is forced to work harder to maintain the correct temperature. This not only means higher energy bills, but it can reduce the lifespan of your appliance as it is overtaxed. You can prevent these types of complications by cleaning the coils every few months. If you have pets, you may need to clean your coils each month as part of your usual cleaning routine. This task is relatively simple. All you need to do is unplug the unit and vacuum the coils to remove any dust, dirt or other debris. The coils are usually on the bottom or back of the freezer, but if you are unsure, check for your model specifics in your owner’s manual.

Check the Balance

Freezers need to be balanced properly to prevent the doors from warping. If your freezer is placed at an uneven level, the doors may shut at an unusual angle creating a weak seal. All you need is a wrench and hand level to adjust the legs of your freezer, and this can extend its lifespan. Remember that when you’ve finished this task check that the appliance is set away from the wall to prevent it overheating.

Clean the Drain Pan and Opening

Even if you have a self-defrosting freezer, it will need to have the drain opening cleaned regularly to ensure that the moisture collected is properly eliminated. You’ll need to unplug the freezer and located the drain opening. Remove any deposits or accumulation that could cause a clog. Additionally, most freezers have a pan underneath to collect any condensation from the coils. This water should evaporate naturally, but it is a good idea to check the pan and empty it when you clean the drain opening. This will prevent mold spores from developing inside the pan.

Check the Seal

A strong seal is needed to ensure that your freezer maintains a steady temperature. Check your rubber door gasket for any signs of deterioration or damage that could prevent it from forming a proper seal. An easy test is to shut a sheet of paper in the door and try to pull it out. If you can easily remove the paper, the seal is likely to need replacement. If you have a good seal, just wipe it clean to remove any gunk or dust.

Basic maintenance is an important part of ensuring your appliances are operating at optimum efficiency. If you’re still experiencing difficulties with your freezer, you can rely on a professional home appliance repair specialist to provide an effective and long-lasting solution. For help with all your freezer repair needs, speak to a professional appliance repair service.