Why is Your Washing Machine Not Properly Rinsing

In most homes, our laundry appliances are invaluable. They not only save time, but are extremely convenient. So, it can be a major problem when our washer or dryer stops working as it should. One of the common issues with washers is failing to properly rinse, leaving detergent residue on our clothing. There are a number of reasons for this and you may be able to resolve the problem without calling in a professional.

1.  User Error

One of the most common reasons for a washer failing to properly rinse is actually user error. Laundry should come out of the machine damp and free of any traces of detergent. So, if your clothing is still soapy, you need to look at your laundry habits.

Are you overloading your machine? Are you using more than the recommended amount of detergent? Or are you using the wrong type of detergent?

It is very common to get a little lax in your laundry practices, so if you’ve started to simply stuff anything into the wash or eyeball the amount of detergent, there could be a very simple solution to your soapy issues. Another common issue is if you’ve switched to a High Efficiency washer, as you need to use High Efficiency detergent. If you have a regular machine, you should not be using this type of detergent.

2.  Check Your Washing Machine Filter

While you may be aware of the importance of cleaning the filter on your dryer, many people overlook their washing machine filter. If the filter becomes clogged, it will impede the machine rinsing soap. Filters can also catch hair ties, coins and other small objects such as socks and this can affect how the machine rinses your clothing. Fortunately, this is a simple fix.

You’ll need to unplug the power supply for your washer and locate your filter. This is typically on the bottom right corner on the outside of the machine and you should be able to see a small rectangular door. Pull off the cover and drain any water from the hose. Turn the filter knob counterclockwise and you can then remove the filter. Once the filter is out, you may be able to see objects trapped, such as lint or other debris. Remove any trapped objects and then wash the filter in soapy water. Once it is clean, put the filter back into the machine and shut the cover door. You can then test your washer to see if the problem has been resolved.

3.  When To Call In The Pros

If you’ve tried troubleshooting the above points, it may be time to call in the professionals. There are a variety of issues that may be causing an improper rinse cycle including a clogged or bent drain hose, clogged or broken drain pump or even a broken switch assembly. Clogs can often occur when small items of clothing get trapped, but removing them involves physically moving the washer, removing a panel or even pulling out the drain assembly. All of these tasks are best left to a professional technician.

The switch assembly controls when the washing machine will move from one cycle to another. So, if it is broken, it could explain why your laundry is still soapy when you take them out of the machine.

If you are having issues with your washer, you can rely on the expertise and skills of a professional appliance repair technician. An experienced technician will be able to evaluate your appliance and determine any underlying issues to provide an effective and efficient solution. You can then have complete confidence that your washer is ready to handle your next laundry load.