
Tips for Organizing Your Fridge

Poor fridge management can result in wasted food and increased household costs. Fortunately, it is very simple to organize your fridge and possibly improve the shelf life of your chilled items. When your fridge is properly organized, you will not only be able to see things before they expire, but also keep your foods fresher for longer.

Follow the Food Hygiene Rules

The most important step in organizing your fridge is to ensure that there is no cross contamination. There are important food hygiene rules used in commercial kitchens that can be implemented at home. It is vital that cooked meats and meals should be kept on the top shelves of the fridge with raw meats left at the bottom. This will prevent any contamination from uncooked foods affecting your cooked items.

Utilize Manufacturer Recommendations and Appliance Features

If you take note of the manufacturer recommendations and storage features for your fridge, you are likely to see an improvement in the performance of your appliance. Refrigerator manufacturers have specific foods such as eggs, dairy and produce in mind when they are designing the storage features of the appliance. This means that the manufacturer has determined the optimal temperature for each compartment and you can immediately improve the quality and lifespan of your food.

Get to Know the Cold Spots

Even if you have taken note of the manufacturer recommendations and sorted your items into the best areas, it is still a good idea to periodically check the fridge temperature. This will allow you to know where you should place your milk, dairy and other items that need to be kept the coldest. You should be wary of allowing foods to graze the light fixture or back panel of the refrigerator as this could cause premature spoiling of your perishable items.

Block the Shelves

When you get back from the grocery store, it can be very tempting to simply crowd everything into your refrigerator, but this could lead to food wastage. If the shelves are cluttered, you are likely to have difficulty finding ingredients and could end up buying items you don’t need or allowing older items to go out of date and spoil. Blocking is the technique used by retailers to make their goods have maximum appeal. You should place smaller foods or containers up front, allowing empty space in the back for your taller items. This will make it easier to see what you have in your refrigerator at a glance.

Use the Door

The fridge door compartments are likely to be the warmest place in your refrigerator. This is especially the case if your refrigerator is frequently opened as the entire family goes looking for a snack. You should avoid placing items that could easily spoil in the door compartments. Instead keep the door for soft drinks, condiments and other items that are not as temperature sensitive.

Conserve Energy by Filling Your Freezer

You can easily improve the efficiency of your freezer by filling it. An empty freezer can use more energy simply to maintain the temperature. So, determine whether you can conserve some energy by filling up the freezer. Assess leftovers and other items that are lurking in your refrigerator to see if they can be frozen. This will not only reduce the risk that they will be forgotten and spoil, but also provide you with meal options when you’re in a hurry.

If you have concerns about the efficiency and performance of your refrigerator, it is a good idea to consult an experienced professional. While there are some simple steps you can take to improve the performance of your refrigerator, for a long lasting solution, a professional home appliance repair technician can get the job done.

For help with any refrigerator repair needs, speak to a professional appliance repair service.