About Us

At Universal Appliance Repair, our experience puts us above the competition in terms of home appliance maintenance and repair. For over 20 years, we’ve been providing exceptional appliance services to the Los Angeles area. With the hard work of our professional repair technicians, we’ve led the industry in quality and efficiency.

We understand that success lies in a satisfied client base; it is because of this that we reward our repeat clients with a membership in our popular loyalty program which give discounts off future repairs.

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Common Reasons for Dryer Problems and How to Resolve Them

Published: January 27, 2025
A dryer is crucial in most households, particularly where inclement weather makes outdoor drying impossible. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why a dryer may malfunction, which can allow laundry to start to stack up inside your home. So, [...]

5 Tips to Troubleshoot Dryer Problems

Published: April 22, 2023
When you’ve run your dryer to dry a load of wet clothes and you return to find that the clothes are still wet, it can be worrying. The dryer isn’t working as intended and it’s natural to call a repair specialist to fix the problem for you. But, [...]