About Us

At Universal Appliance Repair, our experience puts us above the competition in terms of home appliance maintenance and repair. For over 20 years, we’ve been providing exceptional appliance services to the Los Angeles area. With the hard work of our professional repair technicians, we’ve led the industry in quality and efficiency.

We understand that success lies in a satisfied client base; it is because of this that we reward our repeat clients with a membership in our popular loyalty program which give discounts off future repairs.

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What You Need to Know About the Lint Trap on Your Washer

Published: February 01, 2018
Many people are aware that it is important to clean the lint trap in a dryer, but are you aware of the importance of maintaining your washer’s lint trap? The lint from your laundry during a wash cycle can allow septic lines to become clogged over t [...]
Image of an oven dryer

Common Laundry Mistakes

Published: January 27, 2018
Many of us find laundry to be one of the most tedious chores. While there are distinctly different approaches to tackling this task, from the just throw it all in the machine, to the meticulous sorter, there are some common laundry mistakes that can [...]
Image of a person removing clothes from the dryer

How to Maintain Your Washer and Dryer to Ensure Optimum Performance

Published: January 25, 2018
A washer and dryer are crucial components of a weekly cleaning routine, so if one of them stops working, it can create massive problems in the home. Not only is it a hassle to not be able to wash and dry your clothing, but replacing a damaged applian [...]
Image of an open dryer

Tips for Organizing Your Fridge

Published: January 19, 2018
Poor fridge management can result in wasted food and increased household costs. Fortunately, it is very simple to organize your fridge and possibly improve the shelf life of your chilled items. When your fridge is properly organized, you will not onl [...]
Image of a kitchen with an open refrigerator

9 Steps to Cleaning Your Oven with Baking Soda and White Vinegar

Published: January 18, 2018
Many people want to have a clean oven, but this task is often left to the last minute, and there are different ways to carry out the cleaning. Running a self-cleaning function on your oven just before you cook is often not a great solution, it can ta [...]
Image of an open oven