About Us

At Universal Appliance Repair, our experience puts us above the competition in terms of home appliance maintenance and repair. For over 20 years, we’ve been providing exceptional appliance services to the Los Angeles area. With the hard work of our professional repair technicians, we’ve led the industry in quality and efficiency.

We understand that success lies in a satisfied client base; it is because of this that we reward our repeat clients with a membership in our popular loyalty program which give discounts off future repairs.

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When Do You Need to Call a Repair Technician for Your Ice Maker

Published: May 19, 2018
Ice makers have become a convenience in many homes. Unfortunately, ice maker repairs can be complicated. So, when your ice maker starts to have problems, you may wonder whether you need to call in a repair technician or whether you may be able to res [...]
Image of a woman standing next to a refrigerator

Trends to Watch For in 2018 Kitchens

Published: May 17, 2018
Whether you’re planning on a renovation or simply want to keep your kitchen up to date, there are lots of trends for this year that are worth looking out for. These trends can provide you with some inspiration for changes to your habits and layout [...]
Image of a kitchen

Tips to Keep Your Dryer in Great Condition

Published: May 12, 2018
For many of us, there is nothing nicer than putting on a warm shirt fresh out of the dryer. Dryers have become a vital appliance in many homes, but not everything in the modern world is built to last. So, if you want to minimize the risk of your drye [...]
Close up image of a dryer

A Brief History of Your Dishwasher

Published: May 10, 2018
Dishwashers have become an essential appliance in any home. Approximately three quarters of American homes have a dishwasher, making it a vital part of home life. While you may take your dishwasher for granted as an everyday appliance, do you have an [...]
Close up image of a dishwasher

Simple Tips to Reduce the Energy Costs of Your Refrigerator

Published: May 05, 2018
With rising energy costs, it can feel like your refrigerator is simply sucking up all your money. A good refrigerator is essential to keep your produce fresh and prolong the lifespan of your food. Unfortunately, there are a number of maintenance issu [...]
Close up image of an open refrigerator