This American story starts during the hectic times of World War II at an era where basic necessities were scarce and people went through life without common comforts that are now mostly taken for granted.
My father in his early 20’s, married with children and living in a very cold region of the world with few available natural resources. He longed for a warm home for his young family.
“Necessity is the Mother of All Inventions”. My Father, Mourad Demirjian, with a background as a plumber came up with an idea of using diesel fuel as a heat source. He realized that if he developed a way to control the amount of diesel fuel discharging he could achieve a constant flame. He developed a drip method system that could regulate the amount of fuel discharging. Then he designed a path of travel to allow the discharging fuel to flow into a welded metal chamber. Once capturing a clean burning flame and by using special louvers and heat transfer panels he was able to radiate constant heat into the room.